Consumer Fwks Fireworks identification

Dieses Thema im Forum "Discussions in English" wurde erstellt von xpyro2022, 17. Feb. 2023.

  1. Hi! I would appreciate your knowledge regarding fireworks indentification form 1990s. I am looking for factory brand and article number of several fireworks. Schematic representation is given below. 1) Paper rocket "White Chysanthemum" (Whistling to silver tail to report; 2) Plastic rocket "Whistle thunder" (Silver report); Single shot "Silver Flower" (Crackling comet to colored bouquet). Thank you.
    Only one video from youtube.

    SilvesterOhneTweety gefällt das.
  2. Looks like fireworks from the US.
    Most here know a lot about German Fireworks and a bit less about other firework from EU-Countries.
    But US-Firework is not common here in Germany.
    SilvesterOhneTweety gefällt das.
  3. xpyro2022 und SilvesterOhneTweety gefällt das.
  4. Hello @xpyro2022,
    maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to contact the operator of the youtube channel, he uploaded the video after all and was very close to what you would like to know.

    CodyB Pyrotechnics

    All the best
    xpyro2022 und SilvesterOhneTweety gefällt das.
  5. Thank you very much!
    Above mentioned fireworks were purchased in Europe (Czech republic) in 1990s (Pyroco S.R.O.).
    Beside those items most of them were identified from Weco and Nico-Moog catalogues.
    That is why I posted unknown fireworks here.
    Mathau, KohleGold und Blitzcracker gefällt das.
  6. One more question. Any idea (factory brand and article number) regarding aerial spinner "Turbo" with two additional whistles under wings? Thank you.
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